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Welcome to the Curriculum at Edward Wilson Primary School



At Edward Wilson Primary School we aim to inspire, challenge and motivate our whole school community with our motto; ‘To seek, to find and not to yield.’


Our school values are very important to us and are at the heart of everything we do.  We continually aspire to: build a learning community  for our children, igniting curiosity, celebrating perseverance, ensuring respect, promoting kindness and valuing  honesty.


Our curriculum is knowledge and skills rich which focuses on the key knowledge and skills children must know, putting subject specific information, vocabulary, cultural, historical, geographical and scientific features at the heart of all learning.


We aim to ensure pupils are engaged in a curriculum that is meaningful, interesting and exciting.



Overarching Intent


Edward Wilson Primary School is committed to ensuring all pupils are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills they need to improve their life chances and become positive citizens in society, regardless of any barriers to learning.


Learning is carefully sequenced so that new knowledge, concepts and skills build on what has been taught and understood before. It recognises that children will be at different stages of their learning journey and ensures that curriculum planning meets every child’s needs, helping to build and nurture resilience through exciting and inspiring them to achieve their very best.


We want all our pupils to leave Edward Wilson Primary School at the end of Key Stage 2 ready for Key Stage 3 and with aspirational goals for their future. 




The curriculum at our school, from Nursery through to Year 6, is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum.  It is carefully planned so that there is coherence and full coverage of all aspects enabling progression across all key stages.


The focus of the curriculum is on the knowledge and skills that pupils need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life. In that way we hope it can powerfully address social disadvantage and support, nurture and encourage success. Cross-curricular links and transferable skills are utilised, balanced with the importance of discrete subject learning.


A breadth of teaching styles and approaches, appropriate to the content of each subject and desired learning outcome, are used to engage all pupils and enable them not just to acquire knowledge but to apply it in meaningful contexts.


All pupils are taught by their class teacher for the majority of the time. Specialist teachers cover PPA lessons providing high quality PE, Spanish and Music teaching.


We aim to ensure that teachers become experts in the subjects they teach through continual professional development opportunities (CPD), INSET programmes and sharing best research based practice.


Curriculum leadership is distributed amongst middle leaders who have an excellent knowledge of their curriculum areas and a strong clear vision of how to develop them.


Curriculum planning and provision is constantly monitored, developed and adjusted in collaboration with middle and senior leaders through book monitoring, learning walks and teaching and learning observations. This, along with formative and summative assessment, enables us to have a meaningful evaluative dialogue about how best to adapt the curriculum in order to improve outcomes for all pupils.




Pupils’ understanding of the knowledge, skills, concepts and widening and specialist vocabulary is evidenced by their progression and outcomes at the end of each phase of the school.  


All pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), receive a range of experiences which support them in transferring their knowledge and skills to new situations and learning. 


Pupil interviews and their written recorded learning demonstrates they are gaining a deeper understanding of the world around them through the subject themes they have studied. They use subject specific vocabulary and apply skills they are acquiring in across the full curriculum in their everyday learning.


Through interaction in lessons, pupils demonstrate a growing confidence, understanding and a love for learning new knowledge and acquiring new skills.


Curriculum knowledge and skills progression maps


There are knowledge and skills progression maps for every subject taught at Edward Wilson Primary School. The progression maps start at nursery and go through to the end of Year 6. Each subject progression map is carefully planned to build on prior learning, and introduces new subject knowledge content, concepts and skills. 





If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, then please contact the school directly.

