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Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

71% of our disadvantaged pupils achieved the Expected Standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined at the end of Key Stage 2 in 2024. This is well above the average for all pupils nationally, and represents exceptional achievement for our most vulnerable pupils and school community.



Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium grant, and how we allocate funding.


Pupil Premium funding is received by all schools for pupils whose family income falls below a level that would enable the family to access a range of state benefits.  Evidence shows that pupils from such families, and those whose lives might have other challenges, are less likely to make appropriate age level progress than those from more generous family circumstances.


Each school is required to direct funding received for the benefit of those pupils and to provide support and interventions to pupils and sometimes their families.  This support must close the educational gap between the progress and attainment of disadvantaged pupils and those that are not disadvantaged, both in our school and against national norms.


This spending must be reviewed and scrutinised carefully by our governing body.  They are required to make sure that money is spent on support that demonstrably improves the educational attainment and progress of the Pupil Premium group, proportionate to the amount of money spent on particular initiatives.  The governing body is also required to review the effectiveness of all interventions we try and discontinue those that are not delivering appropriate educational benefits.


Our main aims are:


  1. To hold high expectations of learning for all pupils – both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged
  2. To close the gap in attainment for all disadvantaged pupils compared to their peers in all areas of learning