Year 1 Humber
Hello, Year 1 Humber,
You will be working from home this half term. All the adults will really miss seeing you every day but look forward to seeing all your online learning. I will be on Google Classroom between 9-12 every day if you have any questions about your learning for that day. We will be phoning you once a week and we will have a class video call each Friday at 11 am. The first video call will be on Friday the 15th January I look forward to seeing all the fantastic learning you have been doing. Your weekly timetable is below. Try to follow this as if you were in school. All the work you need to complete will be on Google Classroom by 9 am each morning.
Mrs Boujettef

Google Classroom Help Sheet
Here is the time table for our weekly online learning. Please login to Google Classroom every morning at 9:00 am. Your work will be uploaded to complete.