Reading Guidance – EYFS
“Creating classrooms which are infused by story, rhyme and song: where reading happens alone, is shared with friends and is guided by trusted adults…” (The Power of a Rich Reading Classroom, CLPE, February 2020)
Teaching reading – explicit teaching of the knowledge and skills necessary for children to meet or exceed age-related expectations
Becoming a reader - practice to secure age-appropriate accuracy and fluency, to build a positive attitude to reading and to establish a community of avid readers
Teaching Reading | Becoming a reader |
- Daily phonics (10-15 minutes).
- Reading aloud from a whole-class book in every Literacy lesson. Activities to develop language comprehension and vocabulary.
- Follow-up activities each week in provision and/or adult led focus activity linked to the weekly text to help develop understanding around it.
| - Home reading book self-selected from the reading area for an adult to read and discuss with them. Classroom teachers discuss these books with the children and keep a record of their responses, e.g. what can you tell me about the book / can you hold the book with care / do you understand print direction?
- Adult facilitated group reading with volunteer parents (one morning per week).
- Daily access during continuous provision to the well-stocked reading areas inside and outside the classroom.
- Regular access to the school library.
- Termly visit to the local public library.
Teaching Reading | Becoming a reader |
- Guided reading sessions with each child (approx. 3-4 at a time in ability groups), using texts that are closely matched to their current phonic level.
- Daily phonics (20 minutes).
- Reading aloud from a whole-class book in every Literacy lesson. Sequencing, comprehension and writing activities follow on twice weekly.
- Books to support the wider curriculum, a range of fiction and non-fiction relevant to the topic of study.
- Daily phonics interventions for children who are not at ARE yet.
| - Home reading book allocated based on each child’s current phonic level.
- Additional home reading book selected by the child for reading with an adult.
- Weekly buddy-reading with Y6 pupils.
- Adult facilitated group reading with volunteer parents (one morning per week).
- Daily access during continuous provision to the well-stocked reading areas inside and outside the classroom.
- Regular access to the school library.
- Termly visits to the local public library.
At Edward Wilson Primary School, we teach Phonics following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) scheme. Our chosen scheme is a successful, systematic way of teaching children to read by linking sounds to the letters which represent them. Our daily Phonics lessons are taught by teachers who are fully trained by Little Wandle to ensure consistency across the school.
For more information about phonics, please click the link below that will take you to the phonics section of our school website.

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