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Year 2 Nile

Well done for being such a brilliant learner! Remember to check this page for updates and photographs of our learning.

Hindu Temple Neasden

Parts of a plant

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Parts of a plant

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Parts of a plant

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Parts of a Plant

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How do we know that something is alive or dead?

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How do we make a nest?

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Do you want to learn how to make a bird's nest? We can tell you.

Making different amounts of money.

Reading words by blending.

Literacy: Retelling the story 'The Dark'.

Creating Tudor houses to understand how the 'Great Fire of London' spread.

Learning about the 3d shapes and their properties.

Maths Investigation: Making 3D structures with cubes.

Sequencing the events of the 'Great Fire of London'

Identifying different materials and their properties.

Identifying the value of each coin

Geography: Equator, Northern and Southern Hemisphere
