Attendance and Punctuality Procedures
The importance of good attendance at school cannot be underestimated. Research shows that children with the highest attendance achieve well at school. Similarly, children with poor attendance are less successful. Staff at Edward Wilson Primary want all children to attend school every day so they can develop their educational, social and emotional learning. We believe that school, surrounded by their friends and teachers, is the best place for children to learn.
Our target is for every child to have an attendance rate of at least 97%. This is important because each day of school missed is a lost learning opportunity. For example, children with an attendance rate of 90% (the figure classified as being persistently absent) will have missed 19 school days in a full academic year. This represents more than 100 hours of lost learning time.
To encourage and reward strong attendance, pupils who have achieved at least 97% school attendance in a half term enjoy a non-uniform day. This incentive is repeated each half term (six times throughout the school year).
Term-Time Holiday
Edward Wilson Primary School does not authorise term-time holiday. It is important that parents and carers understand the educational and financial cost of taking their children out of school during term-time. The school will always refer to Westminster City Council for a fixed-penalty notice when we believe that a pupil is absent due to a vacation during term time. This figure currently stands at £60 if paid within 21 days, rising to £120 if not paid on time. However, please be aware that a prosecution from a magistrate can take place if a family receive a fixed-penalty notice for a second time during their child's education (including while they are in secondary school).
The school encourages good punctuality for all pupils. It is important to arrive at school on time to create a good start to the day, and also to ensure no loss of learning.
Once the main gates along Senior Street close at 9.00am, children need to enter the school via the office reception (opposite the park). Any children arriving between 9.00am and 9.30am will be marked in the register as 'late', and parents / carers will be asked to provide a reason for their late arrival.
Any children arriving at school after 9.30am will be marked in the register with the code 'U'. This means that they will be calculated as being absent from school for the entire morning. Families with pupils who repeatedly arrive to school late may receive a fixed-penalty notice.