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Year 5 Amazon

Please check this page regularly for updates and photos of our learning.

Computing - Animation

Spanish/Music day - We learnt all about Colombia, created factfiles, made musical instruments and learnt a traditional dance.

Bloomfield garden - Bird watching

DT - Making vegetable muffins

First aid workshop

Science - We went to Westminster Academy for a science lesson all about reversible and irreversible changes.

We performed poems to the class using the text Rebound by Kwame Alexander

We have been inspired by the artwork of Faviana Rodriguez and Karen Lederer to create our own collagraph prints.

Interfaith week - We explored what faith means and the importance of different religious buildings.

Maths - We completed a carousel activity to explore our understanding of measure.

Geography - We tried to make spherical globes from paper to show different map projections.

We used strips of paper to find out about equivalent fractions.

Workshop with author Ewa Jozefkowicz.

We visited the library and choose books to take back to school.

Year 5 visited the London Central Mosque as part of our RE learning about sacred places.

In science we used different spherical objects and toilet paper to demonstrate the distances between the planets.

In DT we have started to think about how to make a strong base for our moon landers.

Year 5 had a visit from the London Fire Brigade to talk about fire safety and prevention

Year 5 have been designing Moon landers as part of our DT topic.

School values - Can you guess which school value the children are demonstrating?
