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Year 3 Ganges

Welcome to our class page! Please check this page regularly for updates and photos of all your amazing learning.

At Bloomfield Garden, we potted lettuce and made little clay creatures for the Bug Hotel.

On our first Life Afloat trip, we went to Camden Lock on the Floating Classroom.

At our pop-up bookshop, we each got to browse and take home two books for free!

We went to a science workshop all about magnets at Westminster Academy. Do you remember what attract and repel mean?

We took part in the RSPB's Big Schools Birdwatch at Bloomfield Garden.

In science, we set up fair tests to work out how shadows are bigger when they are closer to a light source.

In literacy, we created appetising Iron Man sandwich recipes. Delicious!

In DT, we explored different materials and tried to make strong, sturdy structures.

In science, we explored light, shadow, transparency and opacity by using different materials to create shadow puppets.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We were so confident and enthusiastic in our Christmas performance.

In maths, we worked in groups and used our measuring skills to create some delicious blueberry cheesecakes. Yum!

In art, we created watercolour landscapes with a focus on the horizon and colour to create depth.

In computing, we remixed existing animations by changing sprites, tweaking algorithms and debugging mistakes.

In maths, we learnt about measurement and different units of length.

In DT, we made our final product using card for the levers, base and bridge and split pins for pivots.

In this School Zone workshop, we learnt about our local community gardening project and potted a lovely crocus.

In this dance workshop, we celebrated the 75th anniversary of Windrush by rehearsing and performing a dance routine with Don Rae.

On this trip to The Wilson Art Gallery and Museum in Cheltenham, we learnt all about Edward Wilson's Antarctic Expeditions.

In history, we created our own works of cave art.

In DT, we made prototypes of cards with moving mechanisms.

In science, we carried out fair tests to see which rocks are permeable, bouyant and durable. We used vinegar to test if they corrode too.

In history, we acted out a day in the life of a Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) child.

In this drama workshop, we travelled the world with Phineas Fogg in search of rare and unusual artefacts.

In DT, we explored different books with moving mechanisms.

In science, we classified rocks according to their appearance and texture.

In history, we made Stone Age tools!

What are our 6 school values?
