Reading Guidance KS1
“The rich reading curriculum on offer will incorporate a range of reading experiences to support the children’s reading development. These can be characterised as ‘reading to the children, reading with the children and reading by the children’ (Elborn 2015)” (The Power of a Rich Reading Classroom, CLPE, February 2020)
Teaching reading – explicit teaching of the knowledge and skills necessary for children to meet or exceed age-related expectations
Becoming a reader - practice to secure age-appropriate accuracy and fluency, to build a positive attitude to reading and to establish a community of avid readers
Teaching Reading | Becoming a reader |
- 30 minutes targeted phonics daily. Once Y2 children have completed phase 5 phonics they will move on to spelling patterns from the National Curriculum.
- Weekly guided reading sessions (30 minutes) using a text closely matched to their phonic ability. Adult-led at least three times per week in small groups.
- Once a week the children engage in follow-up word-reading and language comprehension tasks linked to their shared text/Power of Reading whole class text.
- Reading aloud from a whole-class book in most Literacy lesson using ‘Power of Reading’ texts. Activities to develop language comprehension and word-reading using guidance provided by the CLPE plans.
- Weekly whole-class reading and questions to develop comprehension, using Schofield & Sims Comprehension resources or a similar matched resource.
- Daily reading aloud from a whole class story book, e.g. familiar stories, traditional tales and fairy stories.
- A range of non-fiction texts to support the wider curriculum, relevant to the topic of study.
| - 15 minutes independent reading for pleasure daily, using texts from the home-reading selection or from the class library (including audio books, magazines and newspapers).
- Home reading book allocated based on each child’s current phonic level.
- Friday Family Reading takes place every Friday from 8:45am-9:00am (parents drop their children and come in and read a book for 15 minutes (Year 1 only).
- Home reading book self-selected from the termly library visit for an adult to read and discuss with them.
- Adult facilitated group reading with volunteer adult (for selected pupils two afternoons per week).
- Regular access to the school library.
- Termly visit to the local public library.