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Year 6 Danube

Well done for being such a brilliant learner! Please check this page regularly for updates and photos of your learning.

Visit to the science lab at Westminster Academy

RE - What 'service' means

History - the social and political importance of Buckingham Palace

Junior Citizenship Trip

World Book Day

Bloomfield Garden - adaptation workshop

DT - researching and analysing electric board games

Writing - analysing a character (Skellig)

Science - making electrical circuits

BFI trip - learning Spanish culture and language through films

Maths - coordinates

Art - exploring texture using acrylic paint


Maths - calculating percentages of amounts

RE- the Nativity Story

Science - we dissected lamb hearts

Literacy - Freeze frames

Bloomfield Gardens - workshop

School Zone workshop - improving our local area

RE - debate: are all angels good?

PSHE - resisting peer pressure

History - researching the causes of WW2

Black History Month - celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Empire Windrush's arrival in Britain with Don Rae

Awareness Academy

RE - Looking at key features of different places of worship

Auhtor's visit - Ewa Jozefkowicz

Geography - locating countries on a political map

DT - practising our sewing skills

Writing - composing a poem collectively

Science- investigating shadows
