Key stage 2
School Council Key Stage 2
Edward Wilson Primary School
The 'School Council' is a formal group consisting of pupils within a school. When it comes to electing the members of the 'School Council', the pupils from each class will vote for one person to represent them. Alongside representing each pupil in their class, the 'School Council' also exists to represent the voice of the pupils; promote their ideas and advocate their views and interests within the school community.
Through the 'School Council' representatives, the pupils convey their needs to the school governors. Ultimately, working towards achieving specific goals in the school.
The 'School Council' is another way to teach the pupils how democracy works and how everyone must get involved in decision making - whether it is to do with the school community or the country (later on in life).
Our 'School Council' representatives understand that they need to exhibit excellent leadership and flexibility skills. Furthermore, they must always display positive behaviour and have a genuine interest in the welfare of others.