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Phonics- Intent, Implementation and Impact

At Edward Wilson Primary School, we teach Phonics following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) scheme. Our chosen scheme is a successful, systematic way of teaching children to read by linking sounds to the letters which represent them. Our  daily Phonics lessons are taught by teachers who are fully trained by Little Wandle  to ensure consistency across the school. 

Year group

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Phase 1


LW Phase 2

LW Phase 3

LW Phase 4

Year 1

Review Phases 3 and 4

LW Phase 5

LW Phase 5

Phonics Screening Check June 2022

Year 2

Review Phase 5

LW Spelling

(Year 2 National Curriculum)



Each lesson consists of:

  • Revisit and Review
  • Teach and Practise
  • Practise and Apply


To support their learning of new sounds, the children are taught mnemonics. Tricky words are also taught as part of the lesson.


Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 also participate in Little Wandle Reading Practice lessons three times per week in small groups led by a trained adult. During these  sessions children are supported to practise applying their phonics and to develop reading skills such as decoding, prosody (reading with expression) and comprehension. The engaging Little Wandle Big Cat Collins reading books used in Reading Practice lessons exactly match the Little Wandle SSP, and these decodable reading books are carefully selected to match each child's current reading level based on Little Wandle assessments alongside teacher assessments. At the end of each week, children take these books home to further develop fluency and to celebrate their progress. 


Each week, children also bring home a Reading For Pleasure book to share at home. 

How can you support your child at home?

There is plenty of information for parents on the Little Wandle website. Here you can find videos showing how to say the sounds, how to write the letters and how we teach Phonics. Above all, please listen to your child read and encourage their success!

Look out for our parent workshops!

You are welcome to attend our parent workshops which explain how we teach reading at Edward Wilson, and how you can help your child at home. 

Nursery rhymes

Have you seen the new Nursery Rhymes videos on the Little Wandle page?

There are 20 nursery rhymes with actions for you child to enjoy!

Phonics lessons in Reception
