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Year 6 Congo


Well done for being a fantastic and enthusiastic learner.

Please check this page regularly for updates and photos of our learning.

We got to have a little cuddle with the ducklings that hatched! Some of us were even brave enough to hold them.

Year 6 learning how to be good citizens: Junior citizenship trip at the London Transport Museum

Exploring circuits and Symbols in Science

Local Library Visit

Art - Practising our sketching techniques in our sketchbooks before we sketched different animals

Literacy - debating which character was to blame in our class text

Fossils investigation

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Spanish: Los pasatiempos

Geography: Presenting findings to class (research about after-effects of tsunamis and land slides)

Darwin's Finches experiment

Investigating equivalent fractions and decimals in Maths

DT: Working in pairs to create WW1 artillery linked to our History topic this term.

Science: dissecting a heart to explore the parts of the heart

Raising money for Children in Need - spot the teacher

Science Competition Entries

Introduction to WW1 - experiencing life in the trenches

Catwalk part one

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Catwalk part two

Still image for this video

DT - creating fashion garments based on different countries (and catwalk)

Maths investigation and Number talk

Investigating refraction and colour filters in Science

Computing lesson - we were debugging instructions so that we could make a chatterbox

Geography Fieldtrip - we mapped out the local area using symbols on a map

Hot seating some key characters from our Rooftoppers book in Literacy

Using our geographical skills to use 4 and 6 grid references

Investigating light
