Funding Received and Spent - 2014/15
Planned Year 2014/15
No of pupils receiving Pupil Premium | 265 | |
Funding Received | £349,800 | |
Pupil Premium Project Expenditure | £403,000 | |
Initiative No | ||
1 | 75% Additional Teacher Cost | £275,000 |
2 | 75% Story Telling | £21,000 |
3 | After School Clubs | £12,000 |
4 | 75% Breakfast Club | £5,000 |
5 | 75% Intervention Team | £75,000 |
6 | 75% Reading Intervention | £15,000 |
7 | Play Therapist | £10,000 |
Total Pupil Premium spending | £413,000 | |
Net Surplus/Deficit for Pupil Premium fund
£63,200 |
Note: Where a deficit is shown, Edward Wilson Primary School has added funds to the Pupil Premium. Alternatively, we may have used underspendings from previous years.