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Year 5 Amazon

Welcome to Year 5 Amazon

A warm welcome to the summer term.

Our pirate's themed Maths Day.

Today, we followed the footsteps of the famous scientist Edward Adrian Wilson, and sketched pictures of the wildlife around our local area (Grand Union Canal).

Talk Homework - What would you change if you were given a chance to become the next prime minister of England?

Geography - We carried out an 'Environmental Survey' to identify the human and physical features of our local area.

Illustrate images using your imagination by listening to the audio sounds in connection to our book called 'The Varmints'.

We compared and analysed the 'Gestation Periods' and made conclusions from the data created.

Happy Earth Day! Today the pupils of Year 5 Amazon promised Mother Earth, which comprised the minor changes that we will make to save our planet from destruction.

Spring 2 Term

Proudly presenting our 'Spring 2 Year 5 Amazon Governor's Award' winner.

Interviews to find out about Ancient Greeks.

Ancient Greek Print Patterns

The class debate about whether children should be allowed to vote.

Investigation about particles, gas, solid and liquid

Red Nose Day in Year 5 Amazon

Calculating Volume

Perform the play script Odysseus and the Cyclops

Completing an investigation that tests the suitability of materials (absorbency).

Year 5 Amazon's Superstars on the Christmas Concert Day

Interpretation of God in Hinduism

Autumn 2 Talk Homework

We dropped 3D shapes in the water today to see the effects of the water resistance. Our aim was to see which 3D shape is the most streamlined?

Well done for using ambitious vocabulary to present your 'Talk Homework' this week.

We created 'Moon landers' in connection with our Science topic of 'Space'.

Our first 'Governor's Award' winner of the Year 5 Amazon 2020 - 2021.

Our discussion to find out whether our solar system is 'geocentric' or 'heliocentric'.

We learnt about the 'Phases of the Moon'.

Our 'Kindness Week Celebration'.

PSHE: Teaching the pupils to stand up against inequality and intolerance.

Autumn Term 2 Week 3 Homework

Well done for being a fantastic and enthusiastic learner.

Please check this page regularly for updates.

Have a look at this term's 'Knowledge Organisers' as they will help you to complete your daily tasks.

You have been assigned a new 'Talk Homework'. Have a look and prepare your notes. 