In science, we investigated and researched what an exoskeleton looks like on a prawn. Do you remember the difference between an endoskeleton and exoskeleton?
Meeting the ducklings...
Watercolour and Charcoal Tornado Landscapes
In science, we learnt the names of some different bones in the body. How many do you remember?
World Book Day - Reading with Nursery and sharing our amazing costumes
In science, we investigated how different types of materials create different shadows depending on whether they are opaque, translucent or transparent. We also had some fun making shadow puppets!
For PSHE and Kindness Week, we created a display in the corridor to encourage people to BE KIND!
We experimented with beads and copper wire to create jewellery in a Bronze Age style. I wonder who would have worn these items 4000 years ago?
In computing, we made different tessellated patterns using different software.
Art and DT: Iron Age Roundhouses
Dress as a Teacher Day
In Science, we looked at different forces used to operate some fun games!
In Art and DT we made clay pots linked to our History topic of the Stone Age
Cave art - we created some cave art linked to our Stone Age topic in History
Number Talk - we looked at all the ways to make 8 for our starter in maths
In literacy, we had a poetry jam to share our amazing poems!
Here's our classroom. What do you like about our learning environment?
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