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The Three Little Pig's houses. We made houses of straw, sticks and bricks.

Book Fair! We visited the book fair and chose a free book. Thank you to Mr Bain for organizing.

Christmas Show. We performed 3 songs for our families.

Christmas Jumper Day

Celebrating birthdays with playdough cakes!

Family Reading Fridays! Thank you to all of our parents and carers for fostering your children's love of reading

Blowing bubbles! Developing breath control and oral muscles

Signs of Autumn! Looking for leaves

Brushing teeth! Learning about the importance of oral hygiene

Shape hunt! Looking for shapes in the environment

Five little ducks counting

Exploring the school and meeting the people who help us

Collage owls from our story, A bit lost

Paper Dolls

Mark making and developing our fine motor control

Lunch Time! Using a fork and spoon to eat independently

Jeans for Genes Day
